Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Critical Theory of Communication in Organizations

The Critical Theory of Communication in Organizations is a theory by Stanley Deetz of the University of Colorado. His theory's ultimate goal is to reclaim the possibility of open negotiations of power. In other words, Deetz seeks to stray away from corporations having all the power in decision making. Additionally, the theory provides suggestions for productive and democratic communication reform (Griffin 273).
The theory is deemed 'critical' in its name because the theory involves much critique on
the current ways of organizations and their willingness to do whatever it takes for "the good of the company". Deetz believes that corporations come from a position of believing what is good for the company is also good for everyone. Deetz is most interested in studying the communication within organizations that is of a domineering and undemocratic nature, in order for corporations to become more inclusive in decision making. If everyone was involved, including investors, workers,
One element of Deetz' critique deals with the idea of corporate colonization and the influence of corporations on individuals, sometimes even subconsciously. In our COMM Theory class we talked about how big corporations are the dominant force in society and individuals end up defining their lives around work, defining their success according to work, and even make decisions according to corporate values. An example discussed in class and in our textbook by Em Griffin is the use of the phrase "the bottom line". The use of the term "the bottom line" in business represents the profit-and-loss statement, the last line on a financial report. Frequent use of the phrase in business influenced the individuals within the business to use it in their own lives, outside the realm of business. Though we may not realize it, we are constantly adopting the lingo of business and putting corporate values into play (274).
Deetz goes on to address communication and the common idea that communication is the transformation of information. He notes that the fact of the matter is, the "information" presented by corporations if often meaning 'in formation'. It may not be accurate and as long as individuals continue to see communication as this transferring of information, the more corporations will dominate. Deetz proposes a model based more on communication rather than information, where language is the principal medium through which social reality is created and sustained. Additionally, communication within organizations tends to exclude the voices of those who are not at the top. Deetz highlights that the need for control ends up dominating those in top positions which brings up potential consequences. "The desire for control can even exceed the desire for corporate performance" (276). This exclusion of voices of the people directly affected by the decisions of a corporation is labeled managerial control. Griffin notes some common phrases associated with this dictatorial, managerial control such as:
-"Because I'm the boss."
-"Because I say so."
-"If you don't like it, quit."
-"It's my way or the highway."
Deetz makes it clear that individual managers are not the cause of this issue in corporations, but that the real cause is managerialism. He defines managerialism as a systematic, logic, set of routine practices, and ideology that values control over all other concerns. In other words, the individuals at the top are almost trained to carry forth managerialism in their organizations.
An example of managerial control can be seen during my internship at Disney. In a large area of the park, I had 6 managers. Five of them were always nice when they came into one of our locations, always making sure we were ok and seeing if we needed anything. While I'm sure they were all there to observe and check everything out, those 5 never made it seem scary or intimitading. The sixth manager was the complete opposite. She would come into locations and specifically look for things wrong. If she found things wrong, all hell would break loose. Snappy commands would follow and it was just the most unpleasant thing if you were the one at the receiving end. If she couldn't find anything wrong she would say that and simply leave without the slightest compliment. From my communication with co-workers from other areas of the park, I began to understand that many individuals working in park management feel a sense of control being above a group of other individuals. I always felt like that specific manager was taking advantage of her power in the hierarchy. In a big company such as Disney, it seems easier to let that control take over. The managers are only one tier higher than the regular cast members, but with so many cast members in each area of the park, it is an honor and a privlege to be promoted. To be one of the few selected as a manager could become a dominating force in managing styles.

Griffin, Em. A First Look At Communication Theory. 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012. Print.

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